Friday 1 January 2016

Victorinox ATM (Angkatan Tentera Malaysia).

Victorinox buat sang Satria Malaysia.

(Special edition)

Victorinox juga ada membekalkan pocket knifenya kepada ATM (Angkatan Tentera Malaysia) / Malaysian Armed Forces.
Pocket knife ini dibuat oleh Victorinox khas untuk ATM.

Victorinox menerima oder daripada ATM Malaysia untuk bekalkan pisau kepada mereka sebanyak 33,000 unit.

Model ni memang takde kat dalam katalog Victorinox.
Sebabnya ia ditempah khas untuk ATM, dan bukan untuk umum.
Ia untuk kegunaan askar2 Malaysia.

Model ini menggunakan Linear Lock pada pisaunya.
Linear lock.

Logo ATM.

Cop "SATRIA" (khas untuk ATM).

 Kedua2nya ada cop 'SATRIA'.

Material kain cordura yang tahan lasak & simbahan air.

Sedikit detail mengenainya;


  1. Large locking blade.
  2. Can opener.
  3. Screwdriver 3mm.
  4. Bottle opener.
  5. Screwdriver 5mm.
  6. Wire stripper.
  7. Reamer, punch and sewing awl.
  8. Corkscrew.
  9. Wood saw.
  10. Key ring.
  11. Tooth pick.
  12. Tweezers.
  13. Scissors.
  14. Phillips screwdriver.


Net weight : 132 g


Scale material  :  Polyamide.
Size                  : 111mm.
Blade size        : 86mm.

Di bawah ini pula adalah Victorinox Outrider, yang mana model yang hampir serupa dengan Victorinox ATM.
Bezanya pada "corkscrew", yang mana pada model ATM corkscrew digantikan dengan screw driver.

 Victorinox Outrider (red).

Victorinox Outrider (black).

Ni pula videonya..
Jom layan sebentar...


  1. Dear Sir A. Syamin, i would like to purchase the victorinox outrider ATM version, i live in Indonesia, could you please help. My Whatsapp number is +6288801114141. Thank you

    1. Hi, this model not for sale, this is just my personal collection.

  2. Dear Syamim, Thank you for the information on this Victorinox SAK Angkatan Tentera Malaysia Special Edition. I heard that there is a new model with all black tools and new camo pattern. Any news on that?

    Btw the blade lock on this is not a liner lock but actually a "slide-lock". It works differently than a liner lock as can be seen here;

    Anyway once again thank you for your very useful information!!
    9w2eat (whatsapp +60124010792)

    1. Hi..
      Thank you for your information about the types of lock.

      Yeaah, the new model of Victorinox SAK for Malaysian army have a few difference.
      1) all tools is black.
      2) digital camo pattern.
      3) spacer is thin than previous model, so the new model little light weight.
      4) pouch also have little bit difference material.

  3. pls pm 012 402 8608
    nk beli pisau ni

  4. Brape harga pisau ni... Sy nak beli... Siapa yg jual bleh wsap sy 01119494864.. #sy nak beli pisau ini..

  5. saya ada dua pisau ni..nk lego rm400..whap 0132691990
